You probably know that coffee and red wine can stain your smile and high sugared juices may result in cavities, but what about your sports drink? The sports and energy drinks you are trying to fuel your body with are also giving your teeth an acid bath. According to a study published in the peer-reviewed General Dentistry journal, sports and energy drinks cause irreversible damage to teeth by eating away at the pearly, shiny outer layer of enamel.
Sports and energy drinks tend to contain a high acidity level, which is what wreaks havoc on your smile. While coffee, red wine and soda are more obvious signs of health risk, sports drinks are often esteemed as a “healthy” option. This can be a costly misconception as it pertains to your teeth, and one that is widespread. Researchers noted that between 30 and 50 percent of U.S. teens consume energy drinks daily, while as many as 62 percent consume at least one sports drink per day.
Not only do sports and energy drinks contain high acidity levels, but most of them are also packed with sugar. This is a double whammy when it comes to your dental health. The acid coating that your sports drink gulps leave behind are eating away at the enamel layer of your tooth. This is what protects your tooth and also helps it retain a whiter and shinier appearance.
Perhaps one of the biggest regrets of drinking sports drinks is that the damage it does on your enamel cannot be reversed. You can certain use toothpastes to strengthen your enamel, but you cannot necessarily make it regrow. Avoiding sports drinks can protect your smile from sensitivity, discoloration, decay and other complications. If you want a safer and healthier drink option for both your body and your teeth, choose good old fashioned H20. Water rehydrates you best and it comes with a 0% risk for smile damage.