With Halloween right around the corner, there is much focus on the foods (candy) we should avoid to protect our dental health. This includes sticky, sugary candies that produce bacteria in the mouth and can lead to tooth decay. However, did you know that there are some foods that will actually improve your dental health?
Apples, carrots and celery can all function as “nature’s toothbrush” by increasing the flow of cleansing saliva in your mouth. A glass of milk or a piece of cheese can also be good for your dental health by reducing the amount of acid in your mouth. While it will not do much to improve your breath, eating a raw onion may be good for your oral health. This is because onions are known to have powerful antibacterial properties. Cashews are also on the list of foods that can improve your oral health because they are known to have microbe-fighting properties that can help fight of the harmful bacteria in your mouth that leads to tooth decay. Wasabi has also been shown to have anti-bacterial properties so bring on the sushi! Last but not least to make the list is good old water. While nothing can take the place of brushing and flossing, water can be used to rinse the mouth when a toothbrush or floss is not readily available. It is especially a good idea to rinse your mouth with water if you have eaten sugary, sticky foods or foods that are highly acidic.
If you would like to get more information about your diet and your dental health, talk to a nutritionist or dentist today. With a good balanced diet, you can improve your oral health as well as your overall health.