If you’re an athlete gearing up for a sports event, your smile might be the last thing on your mind. Yet, imagine the frustration (and pain!) if you suddenly lose one or two of your front teeth. Did you know? Nearly one third of all dental related injuries are sports related, as noted by Colgate. While it’s mandatory to wear a mouthguard in collision sports, injuries can occur in any sport. That’s why dental professionals urge athletes—when it comes to protecting your smile, it’s wise to wear a mouthguard.
MouthHealthy explains that wearing a mouthguard dramatically minimizes the risk of broken teeth, as well as injuries to the lips, tongue, face and jaw. Because the top teeth absorb much of the impact associated with a blow to the mouth, a guard can be customized to fit precisely over the top teeth. Thus, athletes are encouraged to treat a mouthguard as another piece of athletic wear. This is especially important when wearing braces or when protecting other dental appliances.
Are you wondering which type of mouthguard is right for you? While a dentist or orthodontist designs the best and most comfortable guards, the rule concerning mouthguards is that some protection is better than none at all. In fact, some sports stores offer boil and bite protectors that have earned the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance. Once boiled, the guard material becomes soft. Therefore, when an individuals bites into it, the exact shape of their teeth and gums is created. Aside from customized mouthguards developed by a dental professional, boil and bite protectors provide a better fit over bulky, stock versions.
Powerful Prevention Against Athletic Injuries
Providing high quality dental care to families and their athletes in East Cobb and Marietta, Dr. Leia Porcaro at Grateful Dental maintains an emphasis on preventative dentistry. This means that Dr. Porcaro spends ample time equipping patients on how to take care of their oral health, and this includes understanding the importance of wearing athletic mouthguards during sports practices and events.
If you would like more information on athletic mouthguards for your child, contact Grateful Dental today.